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you need a flying type Pokemon that's at least at level 30 and knows a flying type move try a TM good luck!
Bring a lv. 30 Kadabra and a lv 28 Pidgeotto.

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Q: How do you beat gymleader Chuck in Pokemon heartgold?
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it is in mahogany town or if you already beat him probably chuck in cinnabar

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yes i think you have to

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you get it at Cianwood city. Beat the leader (chuck) His wife outside will give you the HM.

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Psychic type Pokemon like Espeon, Drowzee, or Mr. Mime. Or flying-type.

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u toot and then there is this massive cave in front of u.u find a huge Claire

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Beat the 5th gymleader and leave the gym

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If you mean Clair, then you should probably use ice type pokemon.

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about level 40 but use a grass or electric type Pokemon

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Fly is HM2, surf to Ciawood City and beat the gymleader Chuck. After beating him, woman outside of the gym gives you HM2 - Fly and you can use it right away.

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you have to beat all the trainers and then the flower clock will move to the gym leader

Can you beat the 7th gym with level 36 Pokemon on Pokemon ruby?

YES You CAN It Count what Pokemon it is!!!!!!!!! And I Bet the 8th gym with a 36