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get haxorus at least level 50 to battle his cofagrigus. dragon dance 2 times and that should be enough. kill his cofagrigus with dragon claw. make sure haxorus knows brick break. kill his bisharp and bouffalant with brick break.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

In Black and White, Ghetsis' Pokemon party includes Cofagrigus which is a Ghost-type which you can include a Dark-type such as Umbreon, Sableye or Spiritomb or a Ghost-type such as Gastly or Gengar in order to beat it, Bouffalant is a Normal-type so a Fighting-type such as Machoke, Lucario, Machop or Hariyama would be able to beat it, Seismitoad which is a Water and Ground-type so Grass-types such as Bulbasaur and Chikorita would be able to beat it, Bisharp which is a Dark and Steel-type so Fighting-types, Ground-types and Fire-types would be able to beat it, Eelektross which is an Electric-type which makes it weak to Ground-types and Hydreigon which is a Dark and Dragon-type which makes it weak to Fighting, Bug, Ice and Dragon-types so using those weaknesses against his party will help you to beat him in Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.

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