get haxorus at least level 50 to battle his cofagrigus. dragon dance 2 times and that should be enough. kill his cofagrigus with dragon claw. make sure haxorus knows brick break. kill his bisharp and bouffalant with brick break.
In Black and White, Ghetsis' Pokemon party includes Cofagrigus which is a Ghost-type which you can include a Dark-type such as Umbreon, Sableye or Spiritomb or a Ghost-type such as Gastly or Gengar in order to beat it, Bouffalant is a Normal-type so a Fighting-type such as Machoke, Lucario, Machop or Hariyama would be able to beat it, Seismitoad which is a Water and Ground-type so Grass-types such as Bulbasaur and Chikorita would be able to beat it, Bisharp which is a Dark and Steel-type so Fighting-types, Ground-types and Fire-types would be able to beat it, Eelektross which is an Electric-type which makes it weak to Ground-types and Hydreigon which is a Dark and Dragon-type which makes it weak to Fighting, Bug, Ice and Dragon-types so using those weaknesses against his party will help you to beat him in Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.
Really after you beat the game, Fight N and Ghetsis, Ghetsis actually gets arrested. Yep. That's pretty much how it goes.
In the dreamyard after you beat N and Ghetsis.
If you mean battle him, you do that after you beat N in N's Castle.
You Get All T Gyms Badges And Challenge The Poke Leauge Beat N Aka Team Plasma and Ghetsis..Now Go MAKE ME PROUD
That is not really a question to ask but if you asked who is ghetsis he is one of the seven sages in Pokemon black and white.
Bring a Scrafty.
Really after you beat the game, Fight N and Ghetsis, Ghetsis actually gets arrested. Yep. That's pretty much how it goes.
you can't find ghetsis. i think looker already arrested him, but you can't find ghetsis.
You will fight Ghetsis after you beat N
you fight ghetsis
he goes with ghetsis
beat n then you have to battle him
In the dreamyard after you beat N and Ghetsis.
You have to beat the elite four. Then beat Ghetsis and N.
you can catch it in giant chasm after you beat N and ghetsis.
Ghetsis is at N's castle after you beat N After that, he is nowhere!
Beat the Elite 4 and N and Ghetsis. Basically, beat the game.