you go 3steps on the 3rd step u put an up arrow then u go 3 steps up on the 3rd u put a left arrow then u take 1 step to the left put an up arrow then u take 2 steps on the 2nd step u put a right arrow take 2 steps put a down arrow then take 1 step put a right arrow on that step then take 4 steps put a up arrow then take a step and put a down arrow on the 2nd square put a right arrow then take 5 steps then put a down arrow and YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!(:
you have to be quick is my advice.
there isnt one so on the inferno mode bedroom tournament you cant get all the flames
Diner Dash unlock codes are different for each game. A player has to complete the customer chain without any breaks in it to get the unlock code. Each level has 6 customers to serve.
Have them stand by the Hostess station as you wave to them until you have enough to fill all the tables. Then you take every tables order at once, then deliver the food, then cash them out one after another and then the last step is to clean all the tables at once. Then you do the same thing over and over until the day is closed.
There are like 15 of them I believe. Here is the ones I know of and a place where you can download them from to try them out and see if you like them (see related links section for direct links to games). Hotel Dash: Suite Success Avenue Flo Wedding Dash: Ready, Aim, Love Avenue Flo Cooking Dash Diner Dash Diner Dash Flo on the Go Diner Dash: Flo Through Time Diner Dash: Hometown Hero Diner Dash: Seasonal Snack Pack DinerTown Tycoon Fitness Dash Hotel Dash: Suite Success Parking Dash Wedding Dash: Ready, Aim, Love Wedding Dash Wedding Dash 2: Rings around the world Diaper Dash Dairy Dash Cooking Dash: Dinertown Studios Doggie Dash Parking Dash
How to beat camp lazlo campground dash level 3
down, right, left on sweet pepper down after broccoli ,right ,down, left by apple
you put a right arrow on the onion,an up arrow 2 spacces after the apple,then another right arrow above the up arrow
First, get Lazlo to move down. Then move right to get the brocolli. Then put a left arrow on the pepper. The next to the right arrow set a down arrow. At the end of the line put a right arrow an you hit the X! Hope this helped! ^_^
put a right arrow on the left side of the broc.,then a right arrow on broc.,then a down arrow on the left side of the right arrow,last a right arrow on the pepper.
Place a left arrow near the apple. Then, put an up arrow right next to the bench. Put a right arrow on the carrot. Then a down arrow on top of the eggplant. Finally, place a left arrow under the eggplant and then you hit the X Mordecai and Rigby
First, move three squares to the left and out a down arrow. Second, place a left arrow to the right of the pepper. Then, place a right arrow on the pepper. After that, place a down arrow DIRECTLY right of the broccoli. Two squares below, place a right arrow. Next to it, place a down arrow. Finally, place a left arrow next to the apple.
OK so first you put a left arrow at the right corner of the log ,then a right arrow on the banana . put a down an arrow next to the logs & under that arrow put a right arrow . put a down arrow on the chilly , put a right arrow next to the carrot ,& put a left arrow on the carrot.then u r done!! see ya !!XD
Make Lazlo Go down to the purple people then put left then down then left. Put an up so that he can get the apple then make a left go down to get the green pepper and banana make a right below the banana then down right next to it then make a right at the bottom then left then up to get the carrot then go left then up then left and get the X Mordecai And Rigby
Be Riot.
You beat all 50 levels.
beat, slam, smash, dash