Diner Dash unlock codes are different for each game. A player has to complete the customer chain without any breaks in it to get the unlock code. Each level has 6 customers to serve.
The code to unlock ALL games on apple computers push (all at same time) - ctrl, alt, apple and then the eject button a file will open up then, and then you type in what you want to unlock then you can play your games without anything being transferred into your history.
Who is code to unlock Shrek 2:Oger BowlerWho is code to unlock Shrek 2:Oger Bowler
Dinner Impossible - 2007 Disney Dinner Dash 4-1 was released on: USA: 2 July 2008
The unlock code for Malum in BIONICLE Glatorian Arena 2 is M41UMZ
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NP code for a Rio phone
The only way to obtain an unlock code for Flatout 2 on Wildtagent is to purchase the game. The game comes with an activation code.