If you have a Pokemon that has a rock type move, then you can easily win. Rock slide works the best.
beat blaine at cinnibar and then Giovanni at viridian city.
you get it AFTER you beat blue
beat the pokemon leauge
You go to one,two,and three island with Bill.
wich one blaine or pryce pryce is in mahogany town blaine is in the seafoam islands
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions, HM08 Rock Climb is not needed to get to Seafoam Islands, HM03 Surf is though.
Blane has a lv.54 Macargo, lv 54 Magmar, and a lv 59 Rapidash.
Beat Red
arceus will beat him easily.
Do you have every Pokemon in the game? If not, NO!
beat blaine at cinnibar and then Giovanni at viridian city.
you batle them
you get it AFTER you beat blue
beat the pokemon leauge