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You go close to him, and he will take out a hammer and try to squash you. Make sure you Dodge these attacks without getting to far away. You know if you're too far away if he starts shooting. Anyway, after missing with the mallet, a target will drop from his eyes to his mouth. Attack the target, and repeat this process until his life bar is empty.

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Q: How do you beat Tenderizer Boss in Truth or Square xbox 360?
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For boss level 2 use asrhtut( i made it up ) avoid spin run hammer tornado unbuckle target

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The duration of Beat the Boss is 1680.0 seconds.

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Beat the Boss was created on 2006-05-22.

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How do you use meat tenderizer?

There are actually two types of meat tenderizer: one an enzyme (typically, "meat tenderizer powder"), and the other a tool ("a meat tenderizer"). If you are talking about the tool (which looks like a hammer with spikes on one or both sides), you just beat the cut of meat with it until it covers about twice the area it did before you smashed it. If referring to meat tenderizer powder, you sprinkle it liberally on the desired cut of meat and then use a fork or a meat tenderizer (the tool) to force the enzyme further into the meat immediately before cooking. The powder may also be used in marinades.

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The cast of Beat the Boss USA - 2009 includes: Bob Goodson as himself