beat the first dungeon mid boss
The boss of level 2, the Moon dungeon, is a Dodongo, and to beat it, simply drop a bomb in front of it so it can swallow it. You have to do this twice in order to beat it.
first you carry me to the gem im in talking about then I will say ahhh! what is this a octopus thing? Help!! young link will have to beat this big octopus thingy and you are not done with bosses there is one more boss you have to beat. sincrely, Princess Ruto
You can't.You can only beat him as a boss twice.After that you can fight him again after you beat Tabuu in Boss Battles.
i have no idea
you have to beat goht the boss
by using the spinner
Play through it and beat the final boss.
beat the boss
of course it's beatable. beat the final boss and you beat the game.
move around
no. It is pathetically easy
by beating the final boss
Its easy really. just do what Zelda and anjean tell you to do and shoot the last boss with light arrows. last boss sucks.
When you beat the mid-boss, from the city in the sky.
You get it in the sky temple when you beat the mini boss.
Go back to Castle Town and see what you find!