use a 1 hit KO attack
if it has wonder guard its hacked sso use mold breaker (rampardos etc)
spiritomb, because it has no weaknesses
Spiritomb is not in emerald.
No, Spiritomb isn't a legendary.
One good move for spiritomb is dark pulse. One good move for spiritomb is dark pulse.
Spiritomb is Dark/Ghost and has no type weaknesses.
nothing is super effective against spiritomb and sableye
spiritomb, because it has no weaknesses
Use Perish song
nothing is super effective on it due to its ghost/dark type but its till easy to beat
Spiritomb you can see by battling Cynthia after you beat the Elite Four
Well, Spiritomb isn't weak to anything since it's a Ghost/Dark type. Try using Pokemon with high power moves. Spiritomb is not weak to: Fighting, Normal, Psychic, and Poison.
Dark type Pokémon, like Darkrai or Spiritomb.
Spiritomb is not in emerald.
no. you can get male spiritomb.
breed a ditto with a spiritomb
No, Spiritomb isn't a legendary.