One good move for spiritomb is dark pulse. One good move for spiritomb is dark pulse.
Spiritomb is ghost and dark type. Fighting is good against dark but it doesn't affect ghost. Use................................................... anything besides psychic, fighting, and normal.
though nothing is naturally supereffective against ghost/dark Pokemon like spiritomb and sableye, if a Pokemon uses foresight, fighting moves become supereffective if neither Pokemon are switched out. good luck!
well, spiritomb is a ghost type and ghost types are weak against ghost and pychic. so, moves like bite, shadow ball and pychic might be a good place to start.
Nothing Spiritomb has no weaknesses whatsoever that's whats cool about him _______________________________________________________________________ well what you could do is have a Pokemon that has foresight then use a fight type move,that's how i did it!
Spiritomb is not in emerald.
Spiritomb is a Forbidden Pokemon and can learn moves such as dark pulse, shadow sneak, and ominous wind. Other moves include shadow ball, and feint attack.
Spiritomb is ghost and dark type. Fighting is good against dark but it doesn't affect ghost. Use................................................... anything besides psychic, fighting, and normal.
though nothing is naturally supereffective against ghost/dark Pokemon like spiritomb and sableye, if a Pokemon uses foresight, fighting moves become supereffective if neither Pokemon are switched out. good luck!
Well, Spiritomb isn't weak to anything since it's a Ghost/Dark type. Try using Pokemon with high power moves. Spiritomb is not weak to: Fighting, Normal, Psychic, and Poison.
I think it's a pretty good team but spiritomb docent have great stats I'd switch it for something else plus you'd have three dark types
Spiritomb is Dark and Ghost type. Under normal conditions, there are no moves that are super effective against it, since Ghosts cannot be hit by Fighting type moves.However, if Foresight, Odor Sleuth etc. is used, the Fighting type becomes super effective.Under normal conditions, Spiritomb is resistant to attacks of the Poison type, and completely unaffected by Normal, Fighting and Psychic type moves.
Just hit it with super powerful moves and hope for the best.
Spiritomb has no super effective weaknesses.
Spiritomb is considered to be a somewhat good Pokémon. What lets it down is its very low speed stat. He is good at countering Reuniclus and Deoxys.
well, spiritomb is a ghost type and ghost types are weak against ghost and pychic. so, moves like bite, shadow ball and pychic might be a good place to start.
i love the roster you picked... that is a very good question about spiritomb and darkrai. spiritomb has no weaknesses but darkrai is susceptible to fighting and bug so i can't really help you there
Four good moves for Spiritomb in Black and White version are Dark Pulse which it learns at Level 49, Sucker Punch which it learns at Level 31, Dream Eater which it Learns at Level 19 and the TM move of Shadow Ball. All moves that Spiritomb are capable of learning as of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are Curse, Pursit, Spite, Shadow Sneak, Confuse Ray, Faint Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Ominous Wind, Sucker Punch, Nasty Pot, Memento and Dark Pulse.