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There are three levels:

Level One : The siege (6 victims, everyone on both sides)

- Click on the archer on the castle, so he shoots at the horseman and misses. Click on the clouds overhead (wind changes) to make sure he can't hit anything for now. Click the archer on the ground and quickly the archer on the castle again, who ducks. The arrow sets the raft adrift.

- Click on the back wheel of the catapult, which falls off, so that the rock hits the drawbridge and opens it a bit. Reverse the wind with the cloud again. Click the ground archer, who gets in the raft. Click the crocodile as he crosses, he pokes it and it eats him. That's (1)

- Click the commander with the sword and he moves up, so you can click the drawbridge and crush him with it. (2) Click the catapult operator, who is flung into the enemy king. (3 and 4) Reverse the cloud once more and click on the archer on the castle who shoots, and his arrow is blown back at him. (5) Click the horseman, who falls on his sword. (6)

Level 2 - The Airport (7 victims)

- Click the book in the vending machine, then the man takes it. Wait for the green suitcase at the security point and click it to carry the person down the stairs. (1) Click the aircraft spotter, who goes to get the luggage as the pilot enters the terminal. The policeman apparently responds to the book theft, as seen on the camera. Click the x-ray machine which kills the operator. (2)

- Click the right antenna on the roof to break it. The tower operator comes out to check on it. Click the luggage guy again to put him outside. Click the policeman and he argues with the book thief, who falls through the window. Quickly drop the security camera onto the policeman. (3 & 4)

- As the pilot reaches his taxi, click the man checking the antenna, who falls, is killed, and kills the pilot as well. (5 & 6). Click the plane and the landing gear collapses, killing the luggage guy. (7)

Level 3 - Ski Slope (6 victims: 5 people and one squirrel) *very glitchy*

- Click the squirrel, who throws a nut, then quickly click the nut. He runs into the path of the downhill skier, who swerves into the trees. (1) Quickly click in order: the skier on the ski lift, the pole he drops, the blue flag to distract the girl at the bottom. (2) Click the squirrel, twice, and he moves to the bottom of the ramp, then next to the cabin.

- Click the man chopping wood, and the tree when he goes inside (traps him). Click the nut and the squirrel climbs onto the roof, then it drops the nut and gets stuck in the chimney. It dies and the man is asphyxiated. (3 & 4)

- Click the snowboarder repeatedly so that he loses control and lands on the girl. (5 & 6) This level is nearly impossible to complete due to very small clicking areas, especially on the nut and the moving ski lift.

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