Defeat all his Pokemon.
No, but seriously, I would recommend using a fire or rock type, like Pignite, Pansear or Boldore.
Its good to use whatever Pokemon you bond with best. But I suggest you use a Rock type Pokemon, or a fire type. You can catch a Darkaruma (spelling?) in the Desert Resort, which works well against Burgh's Leavanny.
easy, there is an old man he will need help and after you do want he wants he will give you the bicycle P.S this is set when you beat Burgh and you go to Nimbasa city
Beat the Pokemon league!
You have to Beat Prof.Oak and Beat him with a Pokemon with "Rough Pearl" Attached to it.
Wherever he tells you to go.
Its good to use whatever Pokemon you bond with best. But I suggest you use a Rock type Pokemon, or a fire type. You can catch a Darkaruma (spelling?) in the Desert Resort, which works well against Burgh's Leavanny.
I would say a fire, flying, ice, or rock type Pokemon because if you look in the badges and you find the picture of him, it states that he is a "Preemier Insect Artist".
easy, there is an old man he will need help and after you do want he wants he will give you the bicycle P.S this is set when you beat Burgh and you go to Nimbasa city
go to route 4 and catch darumaka in the sands, level it up and try against burgh
Beat the Pokemon league!
thunder pokemon
beat the Pokemon league and beat N and you use your Master Ball to catch him
with Pokemon
Get a Sandile
Burgh has level 21 Whirlipede, level 21 Dwebble and a level 23 Leavanny.
You have to deafeat the Nacrene city gym leader, Burgh, in order to get to pinwheel forest :o)
My friend beat it in under a week.