

Best Answer

u make a good deck use vorse raider and some other high atk or def monster

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Q: How do you beat Alexis on spirit caller?
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How do you beat yu gi oh spirit caller?


Where to find a spirit in spirit caller?

You get it in an event. After you beat Alexis Rhodes when she invites you to Blue Girls dorm with a mysterious email. When you go to sleep, you'll "hear" something calling you. Go to the Northern part of the island and find a dried well; look for spirits there.

When do you find a spirit in yu gi oh gx spirit caller?

you need to complete a tournament after you have beat all the shadow riders

How unlock Yu-Gi-Oh gx spirit caller gods?

pres z after you beat kiba pres z after you beat kiba

How do you get alexis to talk to you on spirit caller?

She will appear throughout the storyline, starting from a certain story-event where you will duel her. Afterwards she will appear on the island, mainly at the lighthouse at night.

How on Spirit caller do i beat the game?

by winning the school duel tournament against aster phoenix and jaden yuki

What is the action replay code to play forbidden cards in yugioh gx spirit caller Like slifer the sky dragon?

you have to beat the game you have to beat the game

How do you get raegeki on Yu-Gi-Oh gx spirit caller?

if i remember right you gotta beat Hassleberry alot of times

On yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller how do you get the elemental hero pack?

You have to beat the side event Catch The Goblin King... how to find the special event I don't know you could potentially find it on spirit caller walkthrough. Hope this helped. :)

How do you get Jerry beans man on yugioh gx spirit caller?

After the event where you verse alexis you can get your first spirit. Go to the well at the top of the map. It's random what spirit you get, but it's either gonna be Oscillo Hero, Jerry Beans Man or something else

Spirit caller spirit abilities?


How do you beat jaden in spirit caller?

There are two easy ways to beat Jaden in spirit caller. First- you high 2000 defense monsters in order to summon the cards like Blue eyes white dragon or any other good card. second- If you have it use level monsters with a couple of level-ups and mist bodies.