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After the event where you verse alexis you can get your first spirit. Go to the well at the top of the map. It's random what spirit you get, but it's either gonna be Oscillo Hero, Jerry Beans Man or something else

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Q: How do you get Jerry beans man on yugioh gx spirit caller?
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What happens if your spirit levels up in yugioh gx spirit caller?

Not much. Every time your spirit levels, you get another copy of the card that it represents (as those cards cannot be obtained in the game otherwise).For example, if you had just gotten a Jerry Beans Man spirit, you automatically receive one copy of Jerry Beans Man. Each time he levels, you receive another copy of Jerry Beans Man.

How do you get a spirit in yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller for ds?

you have to duel alexus and then you will get one later well at least that's how i got one (i got adesive explosive) (i would have liked jerry beans man)

What is the code to level up spirits quick for yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller?

There is no 'code', instead just get 3 cards that are the same as your spirit (Eg, 3 jerry beans man cards) and place all 3 in your deck, your spirit gains exp when you summon it in a duel, even if it gets destroyed.

In Yugioh gx spirit caller what do duel spirits do?

jerry beans man(better chance of getting clothes or duel disks) oscillo hero #2(more time to answer test questions) adhesive explosive(better chance of regisering duelists) soistu(eliminates test questions) star boy(get better cards in packs) hane-hane(dont have to duel whoever you find) babycerasarus(see jerry beans man) dragon piper(get cards more offten after duels) skengal(get more experience) acrobat monkey(more spirit encounters) batteryman c(more ship days) batteryman d(see star boy) white magician pikeru(see acrobat monkey) ebon magician caran(see jerry beans man) beelze frog(more passwords wil work) blast asmodian(see babycerasarus)

How do you get a spirit in yu-gi-oh spirit caller?

after a few levels you will wake up in the middle of the night hearing someone calling your name, go to the north part of the island and go to the new location 'dried well', you'll find a card and your first spirit, it is random but the most common is jerry beans man. every night you might bump into a spirit, especially in the northern part, if you beat the spirit in a duel it may or may not join you.

How do you get a spirit monster in Yu-Gi-Oh gx spirit caller?

first you have to get your first spirit near the beggining of the game after you fight alexis at the girls obelisk dorm.then you either get Jerry Beans Man(1750atk,0def normal monster)(adhesive explosive1000atk,1000def,when this card is attacked when it is face down equip this card to the monster who attacked it during your opponents standby phase the monster who attacked this card is destroyed)(Oscillio Hero1000?atk?defensenormal monster)then there are other spirits who appear as you progress usually found near midnight near the well at the top of the island.

What onomatopoeias are in touching spirit bear?


In the book Wringer what is Beans real name?

In the book "Wringer" by Jerry Spinelli, Beans' real name is Matthew.

Is there paprika in heinz baked beans?

Beans (51%), Tomatoes (34%), Water, Sugar, Modified Cornflour, Salt, Spirit Vinegar, Spice Extracts, Herb Extract

Who are the main characters in the wringer by Jerry Spinelli?

The main character in "Wringer" by Jerry Spinelli is a young boy named Palmer LaRue. Other significant characters include his friends Beans, Mutto, and Henry, as well as the pigeon he names Nipper. The story revolves around Palmer's struggle with peer pressure, personal values, and his responsibility as a member of the community.

Significance of three coffee beans in Sambuca?

The three beans represent the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sambuca is from Italy after all. God bless us all. Drink up.

What is the main ingredient in liquer Tai Maria?

The main ingredients include coffee beans, cane spirit, vanilla, and sugar.