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You need to put update account and must pay 5 bucks a month. However, you can get a 30 day or 90 day members card found at Walmart, Target, etc.

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Q: How do you be member on rs?
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Rs you must be member to get on dragon platebody?

Yes, it is member's item

Do you have to be a member on rs to enchant crossbow bolts?

Yes, u have to be member :S

Can a non-member to tree gnome stronghold in rs?


How do you get RS?

You can skill as in woodcutting,minning,fishing,and huntting if your a member

How do you get rs money?

You can skill as in woodcutting,minning,fishing,and huntting if your a member

What is the salaries of Lok Sabha members?

Salary of Lok Sabha members is Rs. 50000 per month. At present, a member of Parliament is entitled to Rs. 16,000/- per month as salary, Rs. 20,000/- per month as Constituency Allowance, Rs.20,000/- per month as Office Expenses which include Rs. 4,000/- for stationary, Rs. 2000/- for franking letters and Rs. 14,000/- for a Personal Assistant. A member also gets daily allowance of Rs. 1,000 for the period of residence on duty. Daily allowance will be paid only when he/she signs the register maintained for the purpose.

Is saradomin armor members?

No they can be obtained by non members but they are esear to get if you are a member on RS A non-member can buy it, and use it. The same for Guthix and Zamorak armour.

How much does it cost to become a moshi member in Rs?

Goto Moshi Monsters website, click membership then 'Rest of the World'

Is primeau56 the biggest noob in all of RuneScape?

It is not considerate to make fun of fellow runescape players. Be a nice member of the RS community :)

What is a good monster to train on for a level 74 on rs?

Non-member - Cockroach Soldiers. Member - Level 25 Experiments (400xp Per kill!) You will come across these during the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest.

How do you know how old are you in RuneScape?

There now a new update in runescape called an adventure log,but to use you must be a member to access the feature.When clicking on your adventure log(you must be logged into the RS site)You will notice your Totla days and hours spent on rs.

Where is the transmission mount on a 91 Camaro RS?

The transmission mount for a 91 camaro rs is near the tail end of the transmission. It is connected on the top portion of the cross member. If you do not know what the cross member looks like, look underneathe the car and find the tail end of the transmission, where the drive shaft is inserted, and you will see a bar going underneathe the transmission connecting to the frame on either side of the transmission. The transmission mount sits right on top of the cross member. You will have to take the cross member off to get to the mount.