If I remember correctly, all you need is PC, Mirror's Edge game for it and some cheats. But I don't recommend. Game is much better in 1st person view.
3rd person Team tactical.
Um I think there is a game play that it is called "Third Person Cage Match":)
This applies on not just Minecraft 1.6.1, but all versions of Minecraft prior to the update of 3rd person. To get off 3rd person, you must press f5. You may then go into a different angle. Press f5 again and you'll be back to 1st person mode.
If you are playing Minecraft Classic, they don't have 3rd person mode. EDIT: Also, if your computer OS is Windows 7, you cant use F5 or any of the other F keys. Hopefully this will be fixed.
3rd person Team tactical.
The only way to play Team Fortress 2 is in first person mode. However, during Humiliation and Stalemate mode at the end of rounds, all characters turn third person in PC Version. Taunting will also put your character in third person view while the taunt lasts.
You press R3 to change to third person, pressing it again you can go back to first person (you can only switch when your in a vehicle).
Um I think there is a game play that it is called "Third Person Cage Match":)
In the first Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, you can't switch to third person, it's a feature special to the second
In Multiplayer, go to find game and go to 3rd person team tactical. It has a range of gametypes in 3rd person mode.
Near where it shows your balance (money), there will be three blue buttons. The first one shows a person or two, the button under the first shows a chair and a lamp, and there's a third button under it. The first one is live mode, the second is buy mode, and the third is build mode. Just click on the blue button with the silhouette of the people on it and it will return you to live mode.
You would need to download mods, or if you mean third person mode, press F5 on your keyboard.
pick up a machine gun turret or a plasma turret, no wait, shoot yourself.
The narrative mode of a passage refers to the perspective from which the story is being told. It can be first-person (narrator is a character in the story), second-person (narrator addresses the reader as "you"), or third-person (narrator is outside the story).
Which version of Romeo and Juliet are you asking about? If it is Arthur Brooke's poem it is in third person omniscient. If you are talking about Shakespeare's play, it doesn't have a narrative mode at all, because it is a play.