Without buying it, including not buying gems, if you save up enough gems you can buy a residency pass. (To get enough gems you can watch adds or stuff...)
Also, maybe your friend, if they're an amazing friend, could gift you a pass (:
u can buy an ourworld card at Kroger, Toys R' Us, or Safeway :)
If you are talking about ourWorld you need to be a resident. Then you go into your inventory and find the item. Click sell on marketplace put up a price and then you are done.
You can't without buying them or buying BC.
Some may think it's possible to hack money on ourWorld. This isn't true. The only way to hack ourWorld's payment system is by STEALING a credit card and charging something to it. Otherwise, it is seemingly improbable. You can learn more on ourWorld by visiting here -- http://ourWorld-guide.com
f58f9e22aaee10bd-10 gemsTaken from: http://ourWorld-Guide.com
ourworld! that game is so fun look me up im XxdarkinocencexX anyway i dont think u can sadly unless someone gifts u a resident card
Visit Ourgemcodes.com they have cheats, codes, flow, and ect.
You have to be a resident :(
I don't know a website to get ourworld resident card codes but you can find ourworld accounts but most of them are resident and real accounts. I am so sorry that I can't find any so just contact me on jeremy-prince@hotmail.com
ride aid
u can buy an ourworld card at Kroger, Toys R' Us, or Safeway :)
id think so
to go to the beach even if you arent a resident in ourworld you must have a friend resident and tell him to go ta the beach and invite ya to group with him
Ike ten dollar each
toys r us
No you can't be a member for free, if you mean a resident, but paying for it is well worth it!! my name on Ourworld is XxRoxayxX Add me