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Without buying it, including not buying gems, if you save up enough gems you can buy a residency pass. (To get enough gems you can watch adds or stuff...)

Also, maybe your friend, if they're an amazing friend, could gift you a pass (:

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Q: How do you be a resident on ourworld without buying it?
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How do you become a resident in ourworld without paying?

ourworld! that game is so fun look me up im XxdarkinocencexX anyway i dont think u can sadly unless someone gifts u a resident card

Can you get free gems on Ourworld without being a resident?

Visit they have cheats, codes, flow, and ect.

How do you get unlimited gems ourworld?

You have to be a resident :(

What website can you get ourworld resident card codes from?

I don't know a website to get ourworld resident card codes but you can find ourworld accounts but most of them are resident and real accounts. I am so sorry that I can't find any so just contact me on

Where to buy ourworld resident cards?

ride aid

Where can you buy ourworld resident cards?

u can buy an ourworld card at Kroger, Toys R' Us, or Safeway :)

Can you get ourworld resident card at target?

id think so

How do you go in the beach even if you are a tourist ourworld?

to go to the beach even if you arent a resident in ourworld you must have a friend resident and tell him to go ta the beach and invite ya to group with him

How much are ourworld resident cards?

Ike ten dollar each

Where do they sell ourworld resident cards in Pennsylvania?

toys r us

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Can you become a member of ourworld for free?

No you can't be a member for free, if you mean a resident, but paying for it is well worth it!! my name on Ourworld is XxRoxayxX Add me