after you beat the elate four and all 16 leaders suicune will appear at well i dont know ho to spell it so the place where you found misty for the first time make sure to bring ultra balls and if you have cheats a master ball
after that, someone at the battle frontier will tell you about latias and latios. then, latias will start roaming kanto.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
I don't think you can battle Gardenia in Pokemon HeartGold.
you go to the ocean/sea (next or in between rout 14 & 15)then you'll see suicune. it'll then run up the water. then a man will come and challenge you to find suicune the fastest.
No, you can't battle Maylene and/or Crasher Wake in Heartgold.
He is on route 25 near bill's house
suicune is on the right side somewhere on route 14. after encountering suicune there, if you met misty at the end of route 25, you'll find suicune there and you can battle it.
You will encounter Suicune periodically throughout your travels. You will eventually be able to battle Suicune at Bill's house on Route 25.
Suicune is at Level 40 in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
after that, someone at the battle frontier will tell you about latias and latios. then, latias will start roaming kanto.
Depends on which game you're asking about. In Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Suicune can be caught any time after being released, so you can battle it before Ho-Oh. In Crystal, you have to battle Suicune first before you can battle Ho-Oh. In HeartGold, you can't, as you're required to battle Ho-Oh first. In SoulSilver, you can, as you get the Rainbow Wing at Pewter City.
LVL 50
On Cerulean Cape
Where you find Misty.