You can't "ban" people from their accounts if you are just a normal person on the game. Only the people running the game can ban people, if they behave badly. If you go around reporting people for no reason just because you want them to be banned, you will end up banned yourself.
I'm not sure what your question is, if you mean how can you get unbanned from being banned on woozworld. You can do the following, wait until the ban ends. (which might be a long time) Or, email the and beg them to unban you. Thank You
By telling them
Over a million people have a woozworld what is woozworld you say? well woozworld is a vutral world on the Internet where teens can chat make new friends and have fun oh and i have a woozworld to!! XD just look me up on woozrold my name on it is.. Nichole-blue heyy XD add me and massage me :)
drag it on em
20.000 people have a woozworld VIP, account.
I'm not sure what your question is, if you mean how can you get unbanned from being banned on woozworld. You can do the following, wait until the ban ends. (which might be a long time) Or, email the and beg them to unban you. Thank You
By telling them
To get the messy bun on woozworld you can buy it from styles for 310 wooz or from other people
Only Administrators have the authority to ban people. Normal members cannot ban people.
Yes, It is free But Kidstudio is closed down now and they made Woozworld Kidstudio came before Woozworld and now people play Woozworld
Over a million people have a woozworld what is woozworld you say? well woozworld is a vutral world on the Internet where teens can chat make new friends and have fun oh and i have a woozworld to!! XD just look me up on woozrold my name on it is.. Nichole-blue heyy XD add me and massage me :)
My name on the woozworld is harry-k and the other one is rickiexyx Plz friend me ok thank you
Sorry to say . But yes i kinda feel she is , she doesnt treat people in Woozworld equally
drag it on em
You have to become a VIP