Go to your ban-ip text file, then press enter and enter their IP. And then, go to the banuser textfile and press enter and type in their username. They will now almost be impossible to get on, except if they get on a different computer with a different account.
Global ban on Minecraft is when you get banned from Minecraft Multiplayer.
On a server do /ban [Player name here]
There is no actual force OP out there, it is simply a rumour and nothing more.
You can't... you have to de-op him before you ban him.
Provided you're a server op (you must have been opped by the owner/another op), the command to ban is /ban or /ban-ip . To unban, /pardon or /pardon-ip .
Global ban on Minecraft is when you get banned from Minecraft Multiplayer.
On a server do /ban [Player name here]
They are the admins of the server. They can kick, ban, mute, change the time of day, switch from creative to survival or survival to creative, and have more control over the server than regular users.
If you have permissions enabled, then you need to move the players you want to have building rights into the Builder group.
If you are on a server, and want to ban someone you do /ban <player name> If you want to ban them, and anyone else that logs in from that location then you do /banip <playername> The commands may be different on some servers, and you have to have either admin or operator access to the server to do those commands. Hope this helped!
Usually, the ban is permanent until someone unbans you.
There is no actual force OP out there, it is simply a rumour and nothing more.
Players can report you to the moderators and they can ban you