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If you have a certain person you're looking for, make sure you have their user name. Go to the cell phone looking thing at the bottom of the screen. (Next to mailbox at the right) Click on power. Click on the button that has a face with a plus next to it. It will say add friend. Type in the persons user name and click add. Ta da! A friend request will be sent to that person. For a test, why don't you add mine, izabelsprague?

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Q: How do you add a friend on webkinz?
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after your party is set up you wait for the day and time switch your phone to the right color and...PARTY LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!add me as a friend on webkinz if this helps. user name is athleticone.

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jessielh on webkinz add her

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june........pig july..........bengal tiger go to it tells you all you need to know about webkinzand much more add me as a webkinz friend hannah19montana

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I Do! my username is qwerty1209497

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I'm very sorry to say that you can't add people on your friends list at the Kinzville Park. If you go to the Clubhouse you can, though.

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Webkinz cannot get married. I'm sorry. But, you can buy more Webkinz to add to your Webkinz Family! LOL!

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No, because i had a friend that has 21 webkinz and other had 43 webkinz. She told me that webkinz caused a lot of money> I only have 1 webkinz but it expired.