It shows a smiley face on the bottom =) of the persons page then u click it and accept! For more information on Club Penguin go to club and to the help section for new penguins!
Add a graveyard
For the ipod on club penguin you must be in a certain year in the Treasure Book, and you can get a white MP3000. Which is a club penguin version of ipod. You have to buy a club penguin toy at Toys "R" Us or the Disney Store. They are $9.99 each. You must buy one, and use the code during the IPOD CLUB PENGUIN year. Then, you can buy any ipod for non-members and members for free. You get to choose what color. It is in the Treasure Book in the Ipod Club Penguin year. They're actually called MP3000s in Club Penguin. Disney sponsors club penguin. If you go to a Club Penguin Creator, you will just be able to ask him/her to download the item onto your penguin. That is a cheating but really easy way to do it. My friend's cousin used the cheating but easy Club Penguin creator way. I think my friend's cousin's way is better. Sooo, add me on club penguin my username is Dan Blacky. Thanks for searching this Ipod question, bye. Your's Truly, Dan Blacky
You need to have a code form a book or toy.. Add me on club penguin my name is, Waddles84187. Good Luck!
If you have a friend they might send you something
You will have to meet with your friend on Club Penguin to add.
To add someone as a friend you have to meet them. Sensei is very hard to find (appearing on his seat in the Dojo does not count), there is even a stamp for achieving that. I am also not sure if Club Penguin allows to add a system penguin as a friend.
You have to refriend him.
Add Them As Your Friend.
You might have added them already and deleted them.
You can't add yourself. Unless you have two accounts, it's not possible to friend yourself.
You need to add them as a friend, then click on the house icon on their player card.
Your Friend Or Some Random Penguin Sends You It.
You can't unless you meet him/her again and add him/her. But it's very hard to add a deleted friend because it takes lots of friend requests and a lot of time to add them again. Sometimes it doesn't even work.
You can get coins buy typing in penguin lodge, penguin gold, and club penguin money maker 2013 on that one you can add up to 25 likes for your igloo. For the other two you just wait and find out. If anyone on club penguin would like a member friend I am more than happy to add you my name is Penny38284 or Alpinerocks I have two avatars. A website with tons of codes if you want is you just type in club penguin insiders. bye p.s. i am not a hacker ok
To get Gary's autograph (that is his background) on club penguin, you have to meet him. Be in the same server and same room at the same time as Gary on club penguin and then click him to view his player card. On his player card, you will see a box icon which will give you his autograph when clicked. You can also add Gary to your friend's list by sending him a friend request through his player card.
Just type the code: D23EXP11! ! :) Djtamz9090 (add me on club penguin- Djtamz7878)