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go to ilex forest and interact with the shrine while walking with celebi and it will send you back in time 3 years ago.

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Q: How do you activate the Celebi event?
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How do you catch a Celebi to catch a zorua?

You have to get a Gamstop Celebi to activate the Zorua event.

Where is the Pokemon zorua?

the Pokemon zorua is in castailea city-disguised as a boy. you can only activate the event with the event celebi.

On Pokemon Heart Gold how do you activate the Celebi event?

You need a fateful encounter one

Can you get Zoroak using Celebi instead of one of the legendary dogs in Pokemon black?

No, but you can use the Celebi that can be obtained from Gamestop to activate the Celebi event to catch Zorua and evolve it into Zoroark

In Pokemon HeartGold you used Celebi but it didn't work why?

In order to access the special event with a Celebi in Pokémon HeartGold, it must be a Celebi that has the "Fateful Encounter" flag in its summary. If it does not have "Fateful Encounter" in its summary then it will not activate the special time travel event in "HeartGold."

How do you unlock the Celebi event after receiving Celebi?

You get celebi by first going to the GameStop event (Sadly, the event has ended on 3/6/11) and downloading Celebi onto any 4th gen game; Diamond, Pearl, Platnium, HeartGold, or SoulSilver. Use the Relocator in Castelia City or it won't activate the event. (Password: Everyone Happy Simple Connection)

How do you trade over Celebi to Pokemon white?

To activate the Zorua event, you must trade Celebivia the Relocator (which can be obtained from Castelia City).

Can one use the Pokemon 10th anniversary Celebi to activate the Zorua event in B and W?

No,it has to be the Celebi that was being given away at the Pokemon Black and White Mall Tour or the one that was given away at GameStop.

When Celebi going on in the mystery gift of heartgold?

A celebi event has already passed. The celebi event for HeartGold was available in Japan at the release of the game. There isn't an event for celebi going on right now.

When do you fight Giovanni in Pokemon soul silver?

You can only fight Giovanni if you have a special event Celebi, where if you take it to the Celebi shrine in the Ilex Forest, will activate an event where you can battle Giovanni.

Where do you catch a Celebi in pearl?

Celebi is unotainable Only through an event in which u can get Celebi

How do you get Celebi on Pokemon?

You can only get Celebi through a pokémon event. Otherwise you have to trade with someone who has a Celebi