kill death
kill, death ratio
Call of Duty classic Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 call of duty black ops call of duty modern warfare 3
call of duty 2
You can activate them in a xbox live private match
when you collect them, you can activate them for a campaign mission, some have advantages and some have disadvantages
The Death Cards on COD WaW allow you to add effects to the game. For example: You find a Death Card and collect it, then you activate it in a new Campaign mission and grenades are duds. Every card has a different effect.
yes there is ;)
no its stupid
Private online matches...
there are no death cards in the Wii version i own it to and there is no nazi zombie mode ether
No, they can only work on Co-op
No it realy sucks but no there arent