To have the Clear-Out-Sale in Lilycove Mall, you have to beat the Elite Four at least once, and from then it's a random event. Be aware that there are other random events like it and you have to wait a while to get it. P.S Check houses in people's homes to see when the sale is.
Put it to sleep. Then it can access the Pokemon Dream World.
When you access the PC, you get an option to 'Move' stored pokemon from the computer to your active team.
You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.
push L + a + select
your nature has to be quirky you get meowth you have access to all the partners.
Pokemon Go is popular you have access to playing online and catching Pokemons!
When you access Dream World it is technically online, though you will still be playing on your DS.
It resides inside the Team Aqua(or Magma if your playing Ruby) hideout in Lilycove, guarded by 2 Electrodes(which can easily be walked around). You can only get the ball, however, while you have access to this hideout. This means that after the whole Team Aqua/Magma fiasco is over, this is almost unobtainable. The only other way to get it is through the lottery in the Lilycove Department store. All of the numbers they call must match you id number. This is very slim, as all 5 numbers, in order, must match.
Go to Lilycove city. Walk up the stairs by the pokecenter. Go to the right and jump down the ledges. Go down the stairs to the beach and use surf. Surf to the north and you will see the entrance.
Pokemon Platinum is just the 3rd generation of Sinnoh, just like Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Emerald and now Pokemon Platinum is just a re-playing of the series, but more things to do, rumor has it that Platinum is a multi-region game that MAY let you access the Johto Region. However it has NOT BEEN CONFIRMED yet if it can access Johto, since it is a rumor.
Talk to oak after you beat the pokemon league.
You have to defeat a gym leader
to my knowledge, you cannot access lake valor in Pokemon Sapphire
You will need to beat the elite four to have access to it, then you can ride the ferry there.
You can access the Battle Frontier and you can catch some legendary pokemon.
They grant access to Indigo Plateau, where the Elite Four and Pokemon Champion reside.