There are a couple of game shark codes for Ruby Pokemon. For example, Infinite money - E51e973s and walking through walls - E03B0649 5D67050C.
If you have a game shark for your system check the cheats.
i dont know but just go to google and typr that question in
dude, my friend is absessed with pokemon, but from ME: try to by a gameshark system. cheat him (mewtwo) onto your game. and since you have a game shark, MANY others too!
game shark
by using a game shark
a game shark
you can't
mew cant be caught in ruby unless you have a game shark
action replay, or game shark.
There are a couple of game shark codes for Ruby Pokemon. For example, Infinite money - E51e973s and walking through walls - E03B0649 5D67050C.
you have to use cheats from the game shark
Don't cheat. Have fun.
game shark you can buy it at game stop or best buy
As Pokemon Quartz is a hack of Pokemon Ruby, I'd imagine Quartz would use the same codes as Ruby.