well you just need to go to solceon town an put a Pokemon with ditto and wait runing and then an oldman will tell you that your Pokemon has a egg do you want it
you can breed axew cause you can breed any pokemon
Don´t have a mode to breed in pokemon deluge
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.
Shinx can breed with an Eevee. I'm not sure what other Pokemon Shinx can breed with.
no you cant because lengendary pokemon do not breed
If you mean fastest breeder, it would be magikarp. If you want it for strength, then breed a Pokemon that is known for being strong, and look for the IV's. (if you don't know what IV's are, look on serebii.net.)
Some Pokemon can have that much IV's when bred.
Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.
you can breed axew cause you can breed any pokemon
No its just the easiest Pokemon to breed with.
there is no cheat use a gameshark or buy whatever Pokemon you need on eBay. also, if you are having trouble breeding for the IV, EV or Nature you want it looks like you can purchase any Pokemon you still need.
You can breed Pokemon in route 117.
Don´t have a mode to breed in pokemon deluge
All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.
I assume you are talking about Pokemon Diamond. If you are, then yes, you can breed Pokemon in Diamond.
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.
Yes you can breed any Pokemon except legendaries and preevolved Pokemon.