

How do you Create a class on cod 5?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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When you enter a multiplayer loby click CREATE CLASS and the choose your weapon's and perks.

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Q: How do you Create a class on cod 5?
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go to create a class, simple

How do you create a class on cod5 without Xbox live?

actually you can't. you need xbox live in order to do create-a-class. Cod: MW2 on the other hand, you don't need xboxlive for that.

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first you need to play online for a little and rank up then after you have ranked up a couple of levels they will give you the option to create a class, but you need to use the pre made class until the.

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You go to create-a-class(when you have create-a-class unlocked after level 4)and click on any one of your classes(at the beginning it will say custom classes 1,2,3,4,and 5 until you rename them). Once you click on one of your classes,go down to where it says equipment and click on it. There will be a list of thing to use as equipment. Click on the Throwing Knife and it will be on that create-a-class you chose. Note: You can do this for any of your classes.

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COD 5 dofinetly

What class is a cod?

call of duty

How do you create a class in call of duty 5?

you unlock create a class at level 4, from there you can simply select it from the first online page in multiplayer.

Is cod 3 better then cod 5?

cod 5 is my favorite because it is more recent and there are better weapons too. cod 5 does not reload the guns correctly cod 3 does and it has tanks jeeps and moterbikes

How do you create a class on call of duty modern warfare for xbox 360?

well first you have to get to a certain level i think 5 but then the create a class option will appear you can create 5 classes but in cod5 and 6 you can unlock more as you prestige

What systems are cod 5 for?

cod 5 is for PC PS3 and XBOX360

How do you get China Lake in COD MW3 and BO?

The China Lake is a secondary weapon, and the last weapon unlocked for Create-A-Class, unlocked at Level 48. It is not available in MW3