1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 4. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 5.CoD 5 A.K.A WaW 6. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 7.CoD 7 A.K.A BO 8. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Story Wise 1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 That is the ww2 story CoD 5 has its own story Now the Modern Warfare Story 1. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 2. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 3. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Black ops doesnt have much of a story mostly just missions. -PSN xXnInJaPoNyXx -GT xXuRn3z22Xx
cod 5 is my favorite because it is more recent and there are better weapons too. cod 5 does not reload the guns correctly cod 3 does and it has tanks jeeps and moterbikes
It depends if u have cod 4 u have to go on multiplayer than go on split screen. if cod 5 u go on coopretive then go on split screen for two player missions, or u can go on multiplayer like cod 4 and then go on split screen vs eachother. now i answered ur question dont leave it try it out!!!!
as far as i know, the only "bonus level" in cod mw 2 is the museum, unlocked once you have completed the entire story. there is no missions to be done in that level, you can only look around
COD 4: Modern Warfare COD 5: World At War COD 6: Modern Warfare II COD 7: Black Ops COD 8: Modern Warfare III COD 9: Iron Wolf And something about a Future Warfare, not sure bout that one. :)
5 Missions, about 6 hours.
Alpha: 5 missions Bravo: 5 missions Charlie: 5 missions Delta: 5 missions Echo: 3 missions 23 missions in all
there are 12 missions/levels in CoD 4 ds. but dont falter at this, the missions/levels are long and exciting.
co-op missions they work in (says in manual)
5 missions
There are im pretty sure 13 missions in cod bro. I just finished WaW and there were 15 ,
25 story missions
5 missions
1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 4. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 5.CoD 5 A.K.A WaW 6. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 7.CoD 7 A.K.A BO 8. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Story Wise 1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 That is the ww2 story CoD 5 has its own story Now the Modern Warfare Story 1. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 2. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 3. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Black ops doesnt have much of a story mostly just missions. -PSN xXnInJaPoNyXx -GT xXuRn3z22Xx
it had a good story and fun missions but cod 5 only has occasional good ones cod has better graphics though but don't forget Nazi's
COD 5 dofinetly
Go on youtube and type it in but they only show a few missions just type the mission and they should show u it