In member pvp/bounty you go with someone tht has 76k in pvp and they let you kill them. Then you put 76k in dock and let them kill you. that way you wil get goood loot! =)
This trick used to be possible in the past where you would use two different browsers e.g Firefox and IE but this no longer works due to login updates. This trick works on FunOrb because of the way you login.
Yes, you have to be a member to obtain ANY skill capes in Runescape. Skill capes were intended to be made for recognizing members who reached level 99 in a skill, not really for non-members. Although, a common trick to obtain the skill cape while not cracking your budget, is to get a 1 month subscription to runescape, buy the skill cape, equip it to your character, and never take it off again. If you take it off, you can't put it back on once your membership is depleted. Although, this was a relatively old trick and I do not know if this still works.
There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119
RuneScape Classic: 2001 RuneScape 2: 2004 RuneScape HD: 2008
Runescape Classic Has 2D Characters While Runescape 2 Has 3D Characters, you can now only go onto runescape classic if you are a member and have made an account on runescape classic.
There was, but there isn't now because JaGex fixed it.
The higher EP you have, the better chance you have of getting a good item drop, or when doing the 76k trick the more times you do it, less EP you have.
HelloTo work the 26k trick u must have 100ep (earning potential).You can get that by having something about 76k on you and go into a hotspot.Then you find a partner your level and you bring nothing but 26k.He kills you. Then you kill him when hes got 26k.WARNING you must be in a hotspot!
First, risk 76k, take a weapon/food/armour or whatever and go into a HOTSPOT area.. hide there for 2 hours.. this will give u 100 ep.. and then u risk 76k and the person u kill risks 76k cash.. and that's how u do it..
go hotzone pvp world stand there risking 76k for 30 mins go kill some 1 with risk gl
It isn't clear what kind of trick you want to perform.
The only trick most people are familiar with is the 26k trick.
yes was that a trick?
If you have a high enough Earning Potential, you can get it in Runescape PVP Servers. Succesfully kill someone when you risk 76k, get EP, ect. you have a chance of getting a piece of corrurpt dragon armor.
You can't anymore, as of 12/3/2009 they have disabled it.
No. This is considered scamming. And is a reportable offense.
You need to drop potential/EP up.