On Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town/More Friends of Mineral Town, you have to connect to a gamecube copy of A Wonderful Life/Another Wonderful Life. Van will visit Mineral Town every Wednesday and set up shop in the inn.
Go to the site called www.fogu.com/hm/ and click on Harvest Moon Island of Happiness. Then go to Villagers and look for which one you want to unlock, and it will tell you how to.
In Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, just go to the hut at the back of the church and go inside and go introduce yourself to all of them.
You can't. Maybe there will be an Action Replay code for it, but I don't know. I own Harvest Moon DS cute on NO$GBA myself.
If you mean the third Harvest Sprite Channel in Harvest Moon DS or Harvest Moon DS Cute, all you have to do is rescue 20 Harvest Sprites. After your twentieth Sprite you will automatically unlock your twenty-first Sprite who runs Channel 3.
You buy it from Van :3
There is no guy named Van on Harvest Moon GBA
You can unlock this channel by finding 20 Sprites.
You can got to the site in "Related Links" to see how to unlock each Harvest Sprite.
You can go to the site under related links to see how to unlock each Harvest Sprite.
Go to the site called www.fogu.com/hm/ and click on Harvest Moon Island of Happiness. Then go to Villagers and look for which one you want to unlock, and it will tell you how to.
In Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, just go to the hut at the back of the church and go inside and go introduce yourself to all of them.
You can't. Maybe there will be an Action Replay code for it, but I don't know. I own Harvest Moon DS cute on NO$GBA myself.
There is no Molly in Island of Happiness
If you mean the third Harvest Sprite Channel in Harvest Moon DS or Harvest Moon DS Cute, all you have to do is rescue 20 Harvest Sprites. After your twentieth Sprite you will automatically unlock your twenty-first Sprite who runs Channel 3.
Go to the sire under "Source and releated links" to see how to unlock every Harvest Sprite.
Go to the sire under "Source and releated links" to see how to unlock every Harvest Sprite.
You buy it from Van :3