look in the trashcans for switches if you find one, find the other one in the next can you look in or they reset. They second switch tends to be near the first.
TM24 is given by Lt Surge after his defeat at the Vermilion City gym.
The third gym leader is Lt. Surge, an electric Pokemon trainer. In the yellow version his only Pokemon is Raichu. Raichu can be easily defeated by a ground type Pokemon. Conveniently, Diglett's Cave is located right next to the town. In here you can find wild Diglett's and maybe wild Dugtrio's, the evolved form of Diglett. These Pokemon can easily defeat Lt. Surge with the Dig attack.
Bulbasaur: a house in Cerulean City after defeating Lt. Surge Charmander: a boy north of Nugget Bridge Squirtle: Officer Jenny in Vermilion City after defeating Lt. Surge
After defeating Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader of Vermilion City, you can talk to Officer Jenny nearby the Gym and she will give you a Squirtle.
If you mean the electric generator in Kanto then I can help you out with that. Go east from Cerulian until you reach the water. Surf down south until you come across a big building which just happens to be the power plant where a very happy manager is once you give him the generator piece. This is also where you can catch Zapdos. It is also a popular place for the gym leader Lt. Sarge who becomes happy after you show him a Pikachu which is obtainable in Viridian Forest. Lt. Sarge only appears between 08:00 and 12:00 every day.
Beat Lt. Surge first.
Officer Jenny gives it to you after you beat Lt. Surge in his gym
The third Gym Leader is Lt. Surge and you can find him in Vermilion City.
TM24 is given by Lt Surge after his defeat at the Vermilion City gym.
The third gym leader is Lt. Surge, an electric Pokemon trainer. In the yellow version his only Pokemon is Raichu. Raichu can be easily defeated by a ground type Pokemon. Conveniently, Diglett's Cave is located right next to the town. In here you can find wild Diglett's and maybe wild Dugtrio's, the evolved form of Diglett. These Pokemon can easily defeat Lt. Surge with the Dig attack.
to get squrtile in pokemon yellow you have to travel to vermillian city and defeat Lt surge, upon defeating him return to officer Jenny who is in the middle of town and talk to her, she will then give you squrtile
Officer Jenny is in Vermilion City. She gives you a Squirtle after you defeat Lt. Surge if you have the starter Pikachu in your team.
Bulbasaur: a house in Cerulean City after defeating Lt. Surge Charmander: a boy north of Nugget Bridge Squirtle: Officer Jenny in Vermilion City after defeating Lt. Surge
In Pokemon Yellow, you will receive a Squirtle by talking to the Officer Jenny in Vermillion City after defeating Lt. Surge and getting the Thunder Badge.
After defeating Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader of Vermilion City, you can talk to Officer Jenny nearby the Gym and she will give you a Squirtle.
in Pokemon yellow there is no Pokemon stadium