It's never been said that you can find out if your chao is a male or a female, so you can decide what your chao's gender is.
You can tell by the way they act
Bulbasaur Male: Lonely Female: Docile Charmander Male: Docile Female: Brave Squirtle Male: Quirky Female: Bold Pikachu Male: Brave Female: Hasty Meowth Male: Sassy Female: Relaxed Chikorita Male: Calm Female: Quiet Cyndaquil Male: Timid Female: Calm Totodile Male: Jolly Female: Sassy Treecko Male: Quiet Female: Hardy Torchic Male: Hasty Female: Rash Mudkip Male: Rash Female: Lonely Skitty Male: Hasty Female: Naive Turtwig Male: Bold Female: Timid Chimchar Male: Naive Female: Impish Piplup Male: Impish Female: Quirky Munchlax Male: Relaxed Female: Jolly
These are all the Baby Pokemon (as of November 2015), and the gender ratio for each:Azurill (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Bonsly (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Budew (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Chingling (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Cleffa (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Elekid (Gender Ratio: Male 75% Female 25%)Happiny (Gender Ratio: Male 0% Female 100%)Igglybuff (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Magby (Gender Ratio: Male 75% Female 25%)Mantyke (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Mime Jr. (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Munchlax (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Pichu (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Riolu (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Smoochum (Gender Ratio: Male 0% Female 100%)Togepi (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Tyrogue (Gender Ratio: Male 100% Female 0%)Wynaut (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)
no you have female gardevoirs and male galledes. it is impossible to get male gardevoirs and female galledes
It's never been said that you can find out if your chao is a male or a female, so you can decide what your chao's gender is.
Feeder fish, How do you tell male from female of the?
If they are male, say chao anh, if they are female, say chao chi
How do you tell a male pacific frog from a female
You can tell if a dog is male or female by looking at their genitals. Male dogs have a penis and testicles, while female dogs have a vulva.
Both male and female emus have blue on their necks. It is impossible to tell the male and female apart by appearance alone.
You can tell a male angel fish from a female one by all the colorful stripes it has. [the male one]
Because the male has a mane and the female does not have a mane.
When they are fully feathered, the male will have feathers that curl on his tail and the female doesnt. This is how you tell if they are male or female without handling them
When they are fully feathered, the male will have feathers that curl on his tail and the female doesnt. This is how you tell if they are male or female without handling them
A snail is both female and male. They are hermaphrodites.
You cannot tell weather a caterpillar is male or female.