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Acquire Surf first, then go to Route 10, which is just to the north of the Pokemon Center and Rock Tunnel. then head north and there will be water. Surf on that, and go to the right and down. When you hit the bottom go left and the power plant is right there.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

On the same route Rock Tunnel is on which is east from Cerulean City there is a body of water where if you use the move Surf you can head south and find the Power Plant.

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Q: How do i get to the power plant in Pokemon leaf green?
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no you can't because the power plant isn't abandoned in Pokemon gold remember you have to find the part for the machine you can catch it in Pokemon fire red or leaf green

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Not in the power plant but near it.

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You surf to the right of Rock Tunnel, go down into the Power Plant, and at the end is Zapdos.

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What part of the leaf cells make the Pokemon LeafGreen?

The Chloroplasts in leaf cells are responsible for the green coloration, which inspired the name "LeafGreen" in the Pokemon series. The game features a leaf motif and green color palette to reflect this natural connection.

Where is the power plant in Pokemon gold of heart?

The power plant is in the same place it was in Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Fire Red, and Leaf Green: east of Cerulean City. Stop before you enter the Rock Tunnel and surf south on the river. You'll find the Power Plant there.

Where do you get electibuzz?

for games is fire red leaf green mainly in the power plant.

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You can get Pollywhirl in Pokemon Leaf Green in Virdian City.

How do you find the door that will get you into Zapdos room in Pokemon leaf green?

go into the power plant and wander around until u reach zapdos. ( have some repels handy)