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Capture either a latios or latias

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Q: How do get the soul dew in Pokemon Ruby version?
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What is Soul Dew on Pokemon White Version?

Soul dew is an item specificly made for latios/latias.

Where do you get the soul dew in Pokemon soul silver?

First of all to get a soul dew you got get an enmega stone by an event. the Japanese version is finished, but the European and the American version is on right now. you have 2 days to get it by an event. hurry it finishes at the 27/08/2010. Hope I Helped Pokemon Freak1

Can you use latios or latias in Pokemon vgc 12 with soul dew?

No, as you can not legally obtain a Soul Dew on Pokemon Black/White

How do you get soul dew in platinum?

If you have a copy of Pokemon Soul Silver then click on Mystery Gift, Nintendo WFC, then you have the Enigma Stone,, go to Pewter Museum and give it too Steven, you get the Soul Dew... To Get it in Platinum, you need to do those things in Pokemon HG or SS, then get the soul dew, attach it too any random Pokemon, trade it over to Pokemon Platinum. Hope I Helped :)

What does soul dew do?

In Pokemon frlg rse dppt and hgss the soul dew raises the sp attack and sp defence of latias or latios when held

Where to get the soul dew in Pokemon white?

You can only obtain it through hacking

How do you obtain the soul dew in pokemon soul silver?

Soul Dew is an event only item. They currently don't have any events that are giving it away. Currently, the only way to get it is through hacking.

How do you get latios in Pokemon version 2?

After beating the game, you can go to the Dreamyard to find Latios if you are playing Pokemon Black 2 or you find Latias in Pokemon White 2, and after capturing them, they will leave behind an item called the Soul Dew.

Where do you get the soul dew in Pokemon HeartGold?

You need to get latias ( can only catch it on Pokemon heartgold) and latios (can only get it on Pokemon soulsilver) and speak to steven who is in the silph co. in saffron city.You must get the Enigma Stone from the WiFi event, which turns out to be the Soul Dew.

How do you get to dew ford in Pokemon ruby version?

The old guy that you helped save his Wingull. Go back through Petalburg woods and go to the little cabin. Ask him to take you to Dewford.

How do you get the soul dew in Pokemon soul silver?

there will be a upcoming wi-fi gift, that will give you the enigma stone , which is actually a soul dew. hope this helped !:D that is only for soulsilver and heartgold! *non wifi/non legit way: get an action replay and use the all items code to get an enigma stone which like i said , is actually a soul dew .

Can you find latios in Pokemon Soul Silver?

It is only possible through the Enigma stone event in which you then go to the Pewter city Museum talk to the guy who takes fossils and will tell you it's the Soul Dew and then Steven will then talk to you and after that you leave the Museum and Latios will appear (Depends on the version you have).