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On the bottom on your Xbox, there should be a little door/panel that lifts right off. When you get this part off, you will see a little ribbon which you pull to remove the hard drive.

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Q: How do get the hard drive out of your xbox 360 slim model?
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Where is the hard drive on Xbox 360 slim?

Inside of the Xbox.

Where to buy an hard drive for xbox 360 slim?

You can buy a Xbox 360 s hard drive from the Xbox website.

Can you put a 250 xbox slim hard drive in a 4 gb xbox slim?

Yes you can

Is the Xbox 360 detachable hard drive compatible with the new Xbox 360 slim?

No, the new xbox 360 slim basically has a hard drive like a block, way better than the original xbox 360's long hard drive.

What will happen to the xbox 360 slim hard drive if you modify the xbox 360 slim?

Nothing should happen because you shouldnt been modding the hard drive section, or the hole xbox.

What has a bigger hard drive xbox 360 elite or xbox 360 slim?

Xbox 360 Elite features a 120gb hard drive and the Xbox 360s features both a 4 and 250gb setup. So the answer is both but the Slim has the capability for a bigger hard drive.

Can you use a normal hard drive for the Xbox?

On the Xbox slim No On the Old Xbox 360 Yes

Is memory and hard drive on xbox 360 slim the same?

no it is not

What is the biggest hard drive you can get for Xbox slim?

The biggest size is 320GB hard drive for the older models. 250gb on the xbox 360 s.

Can you use your old xbox 360 hard drive on a 4 GB xbox 360 and it still play games What is the hard drive do?

I believe that the 4 gb xbox 360 you are talking about is the new slim. There is no way to use your old hard drive with the new slim xbox. You will need to buy a transfer cable to move your saved games to the 4gb hard drive.

Will a hard drive from a xbox 360 slim work in a standard xbox 360?

No, they are different sizes.

How can you convert a regular harddrive to be compatible with an xbox 360 slim?

You can convert your regular hard drive to be compatible with Xbox 360 slim but it will contain you taking apart your hard drive. This is fairly easy, the only this you need to do is take apart the hard drive, slide out the main hard drive system and place it into your Xbox 360 slim. There are many videos about this on youtube. It is best to watch tutorials about it before attempting to do it.