you have to beat flannery.when you walk out of the gym,may appears and gives you sandgoggles.put them on and you cango into the desert.
watch "how to get the three regi's" on youtube
You cant. You can only get it on Diamond or pearl. In the desert area north of the resort area
When you've released the regis, it's in the upper right corner of the desert.
go to the desert get the fossil and then go to petalburg city and defeat the gym there
in ruby, sapphire, and emerald, regirock is in the cave in desert ruins. to get it in firered or leafgreen, u have to trade it from ruby, sapphire, or emerald. To acsess them you must have a waillord and relicanth oh and dig. surf down the bottom of pacifalodg town
in the desert
The desert.
It is in the Northeast corner of the desert.
Go north of Mauville.
I will tell you where 1 (rock) is go to the desert on rout 111 go strait past the Guy running around the rock go thru the cave i don't remember how to get past the brittle wall go to youtube for that.:)
in the desert on Pokemon emerald,sapphire,and ruby EASY
You find him in the desert ruins
in Pokemon sapphire go in the desert
Lavaridge Town North-West of the Desert.
Desert ruins, Ancient tomb, Island cave.
you go into the desert just north of Mauville so u can go pick up a fossil that is in northeast corner of the desert
watch "how to get the three regi's" on youtube