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go to island 7 go to trainer tower and use a good or super rod. beware it is rarely seen.

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Q: How do get a Mantine on Pokemon FireRed?
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Where to catch mantine in Pokemon FireRed?

You cannot get mantine in firered only emerald and colosseum can.

Where can you find a mantine in Pokemon FireRed?

Mantine is not available in firered have colosseum or emerald trade you one.

How do you get Mantine in pokemon firered?

The only way is..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trade

What Pokemon are not in FireRed?

All hoenn pokemon, some kanto and some johto examples include magmar and mantine.

Were could i catch mantine i keep surfing and using good rod at the tanoby ruins but no luck im i doing something wrong?

If you play at firered, OF COURSE there is no mantine, because Mantine is at Pokemon leaf green

What type of Pokemon is Mantine?

Mantine is a Water and Flying type pokemon.

Why is Mantine called Mantine?

Mantine sounds like Manta, and Mantine is a manta-ray shaped Pokemon.

What Pokemon is 226?

Pokemon 226 is Mantine. ^_^

How do you obtain Mantine in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

To obtain Mantine, you have to go to Pal Park . Mantine can be found in the Sea of Pal Park. Mantine appears normally .

Where can you find Mantine in Pokemon?

To get mantine in crystal and gold surf around the whirl Islands

Is Mantine in Pokemon xd?


Pokemon from the Kanto johto and hoen region that are NOT in Pokemon firered?

all hoenn PKMN,sandshrew,sandslash,vulpix,ninetales,bellsprout,weepinbell,victreebell,slowpoke,slowbro Slowking,staryu,starmie,pinsir,azuriill,marill,azumarrill,misdreavus,sneasel,remoraid,octillery,mantine are the PKMN not in firered