You can give it into GAME and they can remove the dents and scratches for $10-$20!
bring it to jb-hi-fi and they have a buffer wich will clean all the scratches off the disc.
sit and wait for it to unfreeze...if it stays frozen for a long time, restart it..if it still freezes after restarting must be scratched and you need to clean the scratches for it to work.
Breath on it and rub it on your shirt, if that doesnt work try cleaning it with a wet substance and rub it with a soft material. If that doesnt work, take it to a gamestore and have the scratches buffed out of it.
Take it out and put it back in and if that doesn't work blow on it and look for scratches
On a game disk, you don't, you'd have to buy a new one.
get a cotton ball andalcohol then clean it with them.
You need to go to your local game seller and then they may have a disc cleaner.
Rub toothpaste on it with a cotton ball then clean off with another clean cotton ball then dry it off
with one of those disc cleaners. you can buy them at a game store for $12-$30.
take it to checkouts or a pawn shop to be cleaned
My mouse scratches himself to clean himself.
bring it to jb-hi-fi and they have a buffer wich will clean all the scratches off the disc.
Breath on the side that is scratched then lightly rub the surface with cloth or you can buy a disk cleaner from game stop or any video game store
Probably a poor console or is it in the wrong console. If not then it probably needs a clean or is generally damaged.
clean the disc or take it to game stop to take the scratches of
Glass Clean
clean the disc with rubbing alchol