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just click on a berry pot and it will ask you to choose a berry to plant. after planting the berry, water it and the berry will grow as you walk so make sure you check the berry pots every once in a while. after the berries have grown and been picked you can do this process all over again. and the best part is that you get four pots and in the flower shop in goldenrod city you can buy mulch for them!

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Q: How do berry pots work in SoulSilver?
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Pokemon SoulSilver where can you get oran berries?

well you can't them off tree's you have to grow them in the berry pots

Can you get more berry pots in HeartGold?

I believe the maximum number of berry pots you can have is four. I have SoulSilver, and I've beat it (except for getting the extra legendaries besides Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Groundon, and Dialga... through trading).

How do you grow berries in Pokemon soulsilver?

you have to beat goldenrod gym first, then go to the flower shop and talk to the person. they give you the berry pots and then you just have to plant a berry and wait for it to grow.

Where can you find a Oran berry tree in heart gold?

there are no berry trees in HG and SS you get an item called Berry Pots that you can use to grow berries.

How long does it take berries to grow in the berry pots in soul silver?

Actually it depends how how much you care for it and for what type of berry it is.

Where do you get the berry pot in HeartGold Pokemon?

After catching or defeating the Sudowoodo, a lady from the Flower Shop will give you the Berry Pots item. The Berry Pots allow you to plant berries inside of them. She'll also give you 3 Oran Berries and 3 Pecha Berries to get you started.

Where the berry pots are in Pokemon Soul Silver?

you get them by talking to someone in goldenrod city

How do you give miltank oranbarrys in Pokemon soulsilver?

by pressing 'a' on it and if you have an Oran Berry, it will give it her.

What is the berry pots for in Pokemon soul silver?

The berry pots are for planting berries. By planting berries you can grow more of them. Just be sure to water them regularly, and pick them as soon as the plant bears fruit, or else it might wither before you get the chance.

When do you water the berrys in HeartGold?

Go to key items and go to berry pots plant a berry. when the soil around the berries goes dry water it.

How many berry pots do you get in heartgold?

austinb. here, u only get 4 hope it helps

What is a berry crusher?

A berry crusher is a thing that you throw berries in it and it takes a while to crush th berries and when you crush the berries go to the lady right in front of the expensive pots and if you give it to her she will give you some medicines and it depends what berry you give to her !