I think that you need to register an account, and possibly pay for the service given to you, to allow for the creators to get a profit on their creation.
Type /s in your chat box and push enter.
In single player you cannot open the chat box without mods. In multiplayer you press 'T'.
because your on a no make chat server your on a safe chat only
just type in the chat box /join guru
The Escape [Esc] key in the upper left hand corner of your keyboard.
Sorry, but that's not a question.
You type it in the chat box (:
chat box just chat box
You go to the chat box, click on question and at the very bottom it has the question you are looking for. Then you click on that question and hopefully they send you a blank post card and go all over it and it reveals the message. Then you must go through tests and they then see if your good enough to see if you are a secret agent.
under enter question or phrase there should be a blank box where you put your question after that click gothen there is probly an answer to your qustion:)(:
The chat box in Gmail pops up as soon as you start a chat. The chat can be started by clicking on any contact. The box appears on bottom right.
The chat box is the box you find at the bottom of the screen that makes you chat if you want to chat. Bottom Left of your screen. You can also use the chat box to whisper to other player, you can use it to /join places etc.
You click the text box and type a statement or question and the bot should reply with an answer or statement.
Click on a question, and then type into the blank answer box. If the question is already answered, you will have to sign up first to be able to edit answers.
Freewebs.com does not have a chat box, but you can get your own chat box at meebo.com or other sites like that and paste the embed code into Freewebs.
You click on the person you want to talk to and the chat box pops up.
yes you do you can have a video chat aswell