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because your on a no make chat server your on a safe chat only

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Q: Why won't my text box on club penguin show everytime I send a message?
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How do you send a message in club panguan?

U can't send messages in club penguin but u can send postcards.

How do you unband your self from Club Penguin?

Send A Message To Club Penguin Then Say Hello,Club Penguin My Penguin Has Been Banned For A Misunderstanding Please Unbann Him/Her Bye!

Does anybody want a Club Penguin account?

i do have a club penguin account if you would like it please send a message to my message board at Answer .com i am willing to give you it if you have a Barbie girls VIP account i can use or any website club accounts thank you

How do members send items to non members on club penguin?

In Club Penguin you are unable to send another penguin items. Sorry. ~SoccerPunck/i7

Can I have An Club Penguin EPF code?

a epf penguin sends u a message 2 u it is called epf recruit if u give me ur penguin name ill send u 1

Where is the device in club penguin when you first join the elite penguin force?

Actually You have to ask someone to send you a message with elite force and it has to say "go there" on the message. If you go there you have to take a test and you'll have the device on your screen. hoped this helped.

What is a Club Penguin poem?

It is a poem that you can send into the club penguin times and it has to be about club penguin. one or two are chosen every week and you can subsmitt your own at the back of club penguin times!

How do you send items on club penguin?

you can't.

Does club penguin send junk mail?


How do you get the letter to become an epf agent on club penguin on?

some one has to send it to you or receive it from club penguin

How do you get the message to be an agent on club penguin?

somone will have to send it to you but if you want other agents to know you want a recruitment message go to chat,then to questions, then to epf and there will be a written message that says pssst. i want to be a epf agent can you send me an invite then you take the test and show your skills.

Does anyone have any club penguin or moshi monsters membership codes unused?

add me on moshi monsters and send me a message that you have checked this message my name is maryam2476 add me please then i will tell you