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Have family #1 move out of their home and into the family bin on the neighborhood screen. Then choose family #1 from the family bin and have them move into family #2's home. A dialog box will pop up asking if you want family #1 to join family #2's household (as long as the number doesn't exceed 8 members in the household).

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Q: How do I consolidate Sim families from different households?
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How do you delete families from family list on sims 2 pets PC?

To delete unwanted families in Sims 2, for PC, go to the unwanted families' neighborhood. Click on the family. A the bottomright hand corner of the Sim Bin there is a 'delete' button. While still having the family on your cursor click on this. The Sim family should now be deleted.

What is the biggest sim family every made?

The largest family you are able to have on Sims 2 PC is 8 members. But, some cheats allow families to reach 50+ members.

How do you break up with a sim on The Sims life stories?

Edit: Contrary to the excellent answer below mine, the most efficient way to break up with someone is to be seen hugging, kissing, or making out (most effective) with a different Sim in front of the one you intend to dump. Become lovers or even "friends with benefits" with a different Sim. Then invite that Sim over to your house and cheat on the Sim you wish to dump in front of the Sim you wish to dump. Easy as Soosoo. Good luck. Riley is a real pain to console... Keep on arguing with the other Sim until the relationship is low and in the red. After a while a 'break up' interaction will appear when the relationship is low enough. Hope this helped!

In your sim's kingdom for Wii where are the figurines?

Most figurines can be found by fishing or digging in different islands!

What is a sim bin?

A Sim bin is where you may put your Sims after you have just recently created them, and have not yet transferred them into a cave or in non nerd language - a house. You do not need to physically put them in yourself they will go there straight away once you do not have them clicked ( or do not have them on your cursor. )To find the Sim bin in Sims 2 it is in just the main opening screen - when your looking at you neighbourhood where all the families are. Thank you so very much for letting me answer your question.

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Can you move into another sims house on The Sims 3 ambition?

on the edit town mode you can merge households. also if your sim is good enough friends with another sim in another household and they are at that sims house at the moment then that other sim can ask you if you would like to move in

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No we can't use different network 3G sim in Vodafone 3G sim.

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When i went to pakistan i used a different sim card called Lebara mobile

How do you delete families from family list on sims 2 pets PC?

To delete unwanted families in Sims 2, for PC, go to the unwanted families' neighborhood. Click on the family. A the bottomright hand corner of the Sim Bin there is a 'delete' button. While still having the family on your cursor click on this. The Sim family should now be deleted.

Why shouldn't you use the blue syringe if it isn't recommended in virtual families?

If you do it will make the treated Sim sick.

Is there a cheat code to make it so more then 4 sim families can live in an apartment building?

no ... its not possible :(

How can you put the Sim's 2 and the Sim's 2 university collect in two different locations?


What has the author Lynn Sim written?

Lynn Sim has written: 'Families of the world' -- subject(s): Family, Handbooks, manuals, Cross-cultural studies, Study and teaching, Developing countries, History

Can you have a o2 phone and have a vodafone sim card?

Yes, you can as long as the O2 phone is unlocked, then you can use a Vodafone SIM on it, or a SIM card from a different carrier.

What network offers the Nokia Dual Sim?

AT&T offers the Nokia Dual Sim as does Rogers. The At&T website shoes atleast 10 different models of Nokia Dual Sim phones of different colours and styles.

What is a 3-in-1 SIM card?

Its's simply a SIM card that can be adapted to different handsets. Some handsets take a mini SIM (the 'standard' SIM), some take a micro SIM and yet others use a nano SIM. SIM cards are usually sold with the ability for the user to 'pop out' the correct size SIM for their equipment.

Can sims be the partner of another sim whilst the partner of different sim in Sims 3?

A sim can be married to one sim, whilst dating another. But be careful you don't get caught, it can completely ruin a relationship.