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Becuse he is from the futere. And because he wants to save the futere.

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Q: How did silver get his powers?
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How does silver the hedgehog have telekenesis powers?


What are silvers powers?

Silver's powers are a magical force which he uses to either stop or start something that is happening.

On sonic how is silver able to fly?

Well silver has physific powers so he can make him self fly.

What is silver powers in sonic?

Yes Silver does have powers called psychokensis, it's where you can lift objects and make things happen with your mind. Silver has green lining whenever he picks something up, the object gets the mint green lining too.

Who is Sliver the Hedgehog?

Silver is a magical hedgehog from the future who has telekinetic powers

Is silver better than shadow?

Yes. He has telekinetic powers and speed.

What kind of powers does Silver the Hedgehog have?

Silver the hedgehog is from the future, and his primary power is telekinesis: controlling objects with his mind power.

What are silver the hedgehogs powers?

Silver the hedgehog's powers include Psychokinesis, Super form, Chaos Control, ESP, Grinding, Homing attack, Super speed, high jumping abilities, Teleporting, and time travel.

What is the meaning of the Beatles song Maxwell Silver Hammer?

a warning about the dangers of dabbling with the powers ofpataphysics

How do you beat Shadow in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006?

To beat Shadow using Silver, use Silver's telekinetic powers to throw objects and deal damage to Shadow.

Will there be silver the hedgehog on x360?

Yes, he has appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog 06 and he has mind powers that move things.

Who would win in a fight silver the hedgehog or Sonic the Hedgehog?

well, if you've seen the anime movie, silver easily puts sonic to the ground using his powers, so i would think silver would win.