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Like any other baby. But if it's not that, then let's just say that anything in the Nintendo world happens.

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Q: How did Mario and Luigi became brothers?
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Are wario and waluigi Mario and luigi's cousins?

There is no official answer, honestly. All we know is they are Mario and Luigi's "evil counterparts." well Mario and luigi are cousins and waluigi and luigi are brothers Mario and Luigi are brothers... and I highly doubt that Wario and Waluigi are cousins with Mario and Luigi.

Is Mario's brother Luigi?

Yes, Luigi is Mario's twin brother, in fact. Luigi is the "brother" in "Super Mario Brothers". They are called the "Super Mario Brothers" because Mario is the older twin, more popular than Luigi, and was introduced 2 years before Luigi in 1981.

Is Mario and luigi brother?

Luigi and Mario are indeed brothers. Mario is the older brother and Luigi the younger brother.

How many brothers are Mario brothers?

4. Mario luigi walugi wario

What are the names of the Mario Brothers?

the brothers are maroi and luigi

What is Marios brothers name?


What is Mario and luigi's last name?

This answer comes in simple terms. They are the Mario Brothers. Therefore their last names are Mario. Seriously. That's it.

How many brothers in the Super Mario Brothers family?

Two. Mario and Luigi. Wario and Waluigi are not brothers to the Mario bros.

Are Mario and Luigi twin brothers?

Yes, they are brothers, with Mario being the oldest.

Is Super Mario and Wario related?

No. Mario and Luigi are brothers, and Waluigi and Wario are brothers. Wario and Mario; and Luigi and Waluigi are no related in any way. they are only rivals.

Who was made first Mario or luigi?

Well Mario and luigi are brothers but I know Luigi looks taller but Mario was born first and luigi was born second so mario was the first to be made.

Is Mario and wario brothers?

Mario and wario are not brothers they are rivals, Mario only has 1 brother,luigi