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He most likely took a lot of time and effort to build it. As with all "popular" places, it takes a lot of scripting and hard work to build a good place. The exact way that anyone built a script is unknown unless it is a free model, he tells you how he built it, or you hack to steal his place; which is nearly impossible, against the TOS, and will get you banned.

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Q: How did BCGames on ROBLOX make a tournament script?
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To insert a script, go to the Insert page. Press the "Insert object" selection. Scroll to the side until you find, "Script". Double-click it, and a new script will be inserted into Roblox.

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With a little knowledge of how to script, you can add your own commands to a VIP commands script. If you don't know how to script, you can learn by following the tutorials on the Roblox wiki. There are also numerous fan-created tutorials on the Internet which you can find by searching Google for "Roblox Scripting Lessons".