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She fell in love with Sonic the Hedgehog after Sonic saved her for the very first time. (This was back in the Comic Series)

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Q: How did Amy Rose fall in love with Sonic the Hedgehog?
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Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy rose?


Who does rose love?

Amy Rose officially has unrequited feelings for Sonic the hedgehog.

Who Is Amy Rose In Love With?

She is in love with Sonic the hedgehog. You can easily tell in the games.

Who is sonic in love with?

Amy Rose. She is a pink hedgehog madly in love with Sonic. amy rose and sally aicorn likes sonic.

What animal is Amy Rose?

* Amy Rose is a Pink Female Hedgehog who is in love with sonic.

Will there ever be a time when Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose will share their love with each other?

Maybe. maybe if they age and get older, and if Amy is still chasin sonic, they might and just MIGHT fall in love. But at this time, there is no chance. ;)

Does sonic th hedgehog love sally acorn than Amy rose?

Yes, but Sonic is kind of shy and embarressed about it

Does Amy Rose like Silver the Hedgehog?

No. As is painfully obvious, she is obsessively in love with Sonic, not Silver.

Does Shadow the hedgehog love Sonic the Hedgehog?

No, he doesn't and Sonic doesn't love him back.

Is Amy the hedgehog really in love with Sonic the Hedgehog?

Yes, Amy is in love with Sonic.

Who Love Amy Rose?

Amy Rose officially has unrequited feelings for Sonic the hedgehog.

Did Sonic ever admit he loves Amy?

Sonic the Hedgehog does not love Amy Rose. She is just a fangirl.