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because penguins can't talk you silly

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Q: How come you can't talk in club penguin?
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In club penguin how come one day you can talk and the next you cant?

u must have went on a safe chat server

Why cant you talk on club penguin when you have membership?

you can talk. it may just take a few days.

How do you get your puffle to talk on club penguin?

simple answer you cant! but you can call it for agent missions but you need to be a member

How do you get to talk for your self on club penguin .com?

first if you are logged and have a penguin it will tell you at the bottom of your screen. if it says safe chat it means you cant talk. if you want to be able to talk you have to choose that feature when you make your penguin meaning you can talk to others.

On Club Penguin how do you talk on your own?

on club penguin when you make a penguin don't click safe chat mode because then you cant talk yourself so click the other option

How do you type what you say on club penguin?

you might be on a place where you cant talk for example when you click on 'surfer' there is no speech bubble next to it =]

How do you get to talk with your keyboard when you are on your email on Club Penguin?

I don't think u can and WHY CLUB PENGUIN?

What to do when you find a penguin for a mission on Club Penguin?

click on him and he will talk

On Club Penguin on mission 8 how do you talk to the penguin with a newspaper?

Get him a Pizza.

Is Gary a real penguin on Club Penguin?

He is real. He can talk and he has a account.

Club Penguin MySpace?

There is No Club Penguin MySpace, But There is a PengSpace, which allows users to talk about themselfs, and display information about them. Although this was Not created by Club Penguin.

Club Penguin how to get penguin band to talk?

Penguin band can't talk.I know so....