The 357th episode of Pokémon is titled "Take This House and Shuppet."
"A Kiss Under The Mistletoe" is episode number 357.
Ash did not kiss May in Episode 357. It was only a rumor the spread through the Pokemon fandom. This episode was aired only in Japan, so the rumor of a kiss could not be confirmed or denied.
There is no such thing as that episode! It was fake and it was made up by a fan! Ash and Misty never kiss!!
chrisrmas special of japan episode 357
The 357th episode of Pokémon is titled "Take This House and Shuppet."
"A Kiss Under The Mistletoe" is episode number 357.
"Take This House and Shuppet"
Ash did not kiss May in Episode 357. It was only a rumor the spread through the Pokemon fandom. This episode was aired only in Japan, so the rumor of a kiss could not be confirmed or denied.
if you want to search for the episode, try putting in the youtube search bar 'Pokemon episode 357'. Hopefully, some decent videos will come up. If not, or if you want to see more Pokemon videos, click on the 'Channels' button in between where it says 'All' and 'Playlists' which is beneath the search bar. Hope this is helpful! xxx
You can watch dragonballz episodes at
There is no such thing as that episode! It was fake and it was made up by a fan! Ash and Misty never kiss!!
yea, as long as its been on the air in Japan, you can probably find it on YouTube
I dont know about downloadidng them,but u can whach them at :naruto-episode .net ,pimpanime or