Plug it in via USB, then make sure that it is on and connected. Start up your game then when you play online, pause and go to the players list then select yours. Now select listen and talk to everyone.
easy just stay in 1 place and use the jetpack 10 times and do it 1 more time and unlimted jetpack
it doesnt have mic ...
Only if you have symbian OS, then DLL Mobiola Headset.
To slice into a ship (but really a tank), you must select engineer class and use your fusion cutter on an emeny tank. It will say on your screen, 10%, 25%, 34% done slicing, ect. Once it's sliced, the pilot, or pilots, will be thrown out and in a few seconds you will be able to enter the tank! Warning: This will NOT work on AT-ATs.
you hold the shooting button
Use a tank or Grenade or Bazooka
Do not use cheats!
You press in the L3 button (press in the left analog).
Maybe download the weapons again?
I'm pretty sure if the game is for the original Xbox then yes they will work.
You can't, it's only in the first one, but there might be a cheat code for it.
Yes it is, all you need is a fusion cutter and use it on the generator, its that simple!
Double tap the weapon switch button. It should be automatic. It fires a three shot burst.
normally the only way is when you are a hero or a villain. theres no other way to use it, unless you hack the game
easy just stay in 1 place and use the jetpack 10 times and do it 1 more time and unlimted jetpack