How Can You Use MaxMotives on Sims? You can't use MaxMotives for Sims (The Sims 1), although you can download The Rejuvenation Chamber by Homeslice from TSR (The Sims Resource). It costs §10,000, maximizes your motives, and your aspiration points. Here's the link to the object:
If that doesn't work, then try this direct one:
Pet Rejuvenation Chamber:
If that doesn't work, then try this direct one: ----
It's also available for The Sims 2, and here's the link:
If that doesn't work, then try this direct one:
You can't use MaxMotives with the base game itself, you must have expansion packs.
On your keyboard, enter Ctrl+Shift+C(simultaneously)
Enter MaxMotives
I recommend using the cheat MotiveDecay Off after using MaxMotives, because it allows your Sim's motives to not decrease. You can see all the cheats available for your usage by entering h or help.
Bring up the cheat bar and type in maxmotives, it will refresh all of the Sims needs.
open the cheat menu and type in maxmotives
type in "testingcheatsenabled true" now you can move the bars of your needs.
maxmotives is the cheat that instantly puts your Sims in good moods and turns all mood bars green.
The cheat that is necessary to get maxmotives on sims 2 pets. The cheat is L,L,R,A,A,X,Y. If you want maxmotives this is what you need to put in on the correct screen.
It fills all of your sims needs.
open up the cheat menu and put in maxmotives
Bring up the cheat bar and type in maxmotives, it will refresh all of the Sims needs.
open the cheat menu and type in maxmotives
in sims 2 and 3 you can do maxmotives
Its Called maxmotives
You can look it up on Google but I use the following cheats: Motherlode- 50,000 simoleons Maxmotives- All motives are maxed
type in "testingcheatsenabled true" now you can move the bars of your needs.